Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Statistik

What is statistics? - From a historical perspective (SE)

W. Härdle, A. Vogt
Richard Courant
Richard Courant (1888-1972)
"What is mathematics?" the mathematician Richard Courant (1888-1972) called his famous book which he wrote together with the US statistician Herbert E. Robbins (1915-2001) and which was first published in 1941. In a similarily way in the seminar we want to look back on statistics from the historical perspective. In the seminar we will investigate elements of the history of statistics, mathematical statistics as well as economical statistics, from the 17th/18th century until the present time. The aim is to produce a collective biography of the most important representatives of statistics - a bio-bibliographical source book of the most prominent figures of this field. Therefore, an active participation in the seminar is required. Students who are interested in history and in mathematics are very welcomed.

An introduced visit of the Berlin University Archive is possible. The list of literature will be given at the beginning of the seminar.

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