Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - High Dimensional Nonstationary Time Series

Event: Hilda Geiringer Lecture (HGL) 2019


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Event: Hilda Geiringer Lecture (HGL) 2019


On 06.11.2019 Xiaohong Chen presented her work on "Adaptive Testing in Instrumental Variables Models" as part of the HGL Lecture 2019, which drew on her coming article joint with Christoph Breunig.


Xiaohong Chen is a Malcolm K. Brachman Professor of Economics at Yale University. Her primary field of research is econometrics, particularly penalized sieve estimation and inference on semiparametric and nonparametric models. Prof. Chen is a recepient of multiple awards, most recently 2017 China Economics Prize and Econometric Theory Multa Scripsit Award in 2012. Her work has been published in numerous top-ranked general-purpose and field journals in statistics and econometrics.


The lecture was held within the framework of Hilda Geiringer Lecture Series, which is organised by IRTG 1792 in honour of the mathematical and statistical contributions of Hilda Geiringer, the first female professor in applied mathematics in Berlin and a role model for women in science.


IMG 5568


WhatsApp Image 2019 11 08 at 17.47.03(1)


WhatsApp Image 2019 11 08 at 17.47.03

(Prof. Dr. Wolfgang K. Härdle, Prof. Dr. Xiaohong Chen and Prof. Dr. Annette Vogt with the Hilda Geiringer plaque)