Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Statistik

Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz Chair of statistics - Sigbert Klinke


Books and ProceedingsPublicationsArticles in ProceedingsDiscussionpapersTalks

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Google: Scholar, Citations

Books and Proceedings

  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Rönz B. (2015), Introduction to Statistics - Using Interactive MM*Stat Elements, Springer Verlag Heidelberg
  • Schmerbach S., Klinke S. (2002), 4. Workshop Wirtschaftsstatistik: Inflationsmessung in Deutschland und Europa, Daten - Methoden - Entwicklungen, Deutschland (CD)
  • Klinke S., Ahrend P., Richter L. (2002), Proceedings of the Conference CompStat 2002 - Short Communications and Posters, Berlin, Germany (CD)
  • Härdle W., Hlavka Z., Klinke S. (2000), XploRe - Application Guide, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg
  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Müller M. (2000), XploRe - The Interactive Statistical Computing Environment, Academic Edition / Windows (Software CD), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg
  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Müller M. (1999), XploRe - Learning Guide, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg
  • Swayne D.F., Klinke S. (1999), Special issue: Interactive graphical data analysis, Computational Statistics, Vol 14(1), Physika Verlag, Heidelberg
  • Klinke S. (1997), Data Structures for Computational Statistics (Ph.D. thesis), Physika Verlag
  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Turlach B.A. (1995), XploRe - an interactive statistical computing environment, Springer Verlag


  • Förster M., Heiß F., Klinke S., Maur A., Schank T., Weise C. (2018), Die Implementation und Evaluation eines Flipped Classrooms in einer Großveranstaltung der Statistik, Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung - Ausgabe 4/2018, pp. 50-67
  • Förster M., Klinke, S. (2013). Prüfung auf nicht-lineare Zusammenhänge und deren Modellierung in der Komptenzforschung - Ein Beispiel aus dem Projekt ILLEV, In: Kompetenzmodellierung und Kompetenzmessung bei Studierenden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Ingenieurswissenschaften (Hrsg.: Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Nickolaus, R. Beck, K.), Lehrerbildung auf dem Prüfstand - Sonderheft, Verlag Empirische Pädagogik, pp.49-68.
  • Ahmad T., Härdle W., Klinke S., Alawadhi S. (2013). Using wiki to build an e-learning system in statistics in the Arabic language, Computational Statistics 28(2), pp. 481-491.
  • Wagner C., Grützmann J., Neumann U., Klinke S. (2010). Schüler/-innen evaluieren Unterricht - Ergebnisse aus dem "Netzwerk Schülerbefragung", Wirtschaft und Erziehung 62(7-8), S. 228-233.
  • van Buer J., Köller M., Klinke S. (2008). Schulprogramme und Schulprogrammarbeit an beruflichen Schulen - Konstruktionsleistungen und Implementationserwartungen. Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 104(3), pp. 358-384
  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Ziegenhagen U. (2007), On the Utility of E-Learning in Statistics, International Statistical Review, International Statistical Institute, 75(3), pp 355-364.
  • Lee E., Cook D., Klinke S., Lumley T. (2005), Projection Pursuit for Exploratory Supervised Classification, Journal of Computational & Graphical Statistics, 14(4), pp. 831-846.
  • Klinke S., Golubev Y., Härdle W., Neumann M. (1997), Teaching Wavelets in XploRe, Computational Statistics, Vol. 13, 141-151.

Articles in Proceedings or Equivalent Publications

  • Klinke, S., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia (2012), Empirische Bildungsforschung im Hochschulbereich - Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen, DAGSTAT Bulletin 10, Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik.
  • Klinke S. (2011), Developing web-based tools for the teaching of statistics: Our Wikis and the German Wikipedia, ISI Conference Proceedings, Dublin; Ireland.
  • Klinke S., Mihoci A., Härdle W. (2010). Exploratory factor analysis in Mplus, R and SPSS. ICOTS-8 Conference Proceedings on CD. Session 4F: Sensible use of multivariate software.
  • Buske R., Förster M., Klinke S., Kuhn C., Preuße D., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia O. (2009). Innovativer Lehr-Lernortverbund (ILLEV) in der akademischen Hochschulausbildung. Publikation zur 72. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF). Landau.
  • Klinke S., Wagner C. (2008), Visualizing exploratory factor models, COMPSTAT 2008 - Proceedings in Computational Statistics - 18th Symposium held in Porto (Portugal) by P. Brito (ed.), Physika Verlag, Heidelberg,
  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Ziegenhagen U. (2007), Yxilon – A Client/Server Based Statistical Environment, in: Proceedings of the 56th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Lisbon
  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Ziegenhagen U. (2006), e-Learning - A Selective Review. COMPSTAT 2006 Proceedings, Rome, Physika Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-7908-1708-9.
  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Ziegenhagen U.(2005), Integrable e-lements for Statistics Education. In: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Computational Statistics, p. 175-184.
  • Guri Y., Klinke S., Ziegenhagen U. (2005), Yxilon - a Modular Open-source Statistical Programming Language. In: Proceedings of the 55th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Sydney, ISBN-10: 90-73592-23-2, ISBN-13:978-90-73592-23-0
  • Klinke S. (2004), Q&A - Variable multiple choice exercises with commented answers in COMPSTAT 2004 - Proceedings in Computational Statistics - 16th Symposium held in Prague (Czech Republic) by J. Antoch (ed.), Physika Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 1299-1304
  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Ziegenhagen U. (2004), Yxilon – Designing The Next Generation, Vertically Integrable Statistical Software Environment. In: Proceedings of the 36th Syposium on the Interface, Baltimore
  • Klinke S. (2004), Statistical User Interfaces in Handbook of Computational Statistics, Concepts and Methods by J.E. Gentle, W. Härdle and Y. Mori (eds.), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 379-401
  • Klinke S., Wang W. (2003), Experiences in developing a help system for the statistical programming language XploRe in Bulletin of the International Statistcal Institute, 54th Session, Contributed Papers, Vol. LX, Book 1 Berlin, p. 647-648
  • Witzel R., Klinke S. (2002), MD*Book online & e-stat: Generating e-stat Modules from Latex in COMPSTAT 2002 - Proceedings in Computational Statistics - 15th Symposium held in Berlin (Germany) by W. Härdle and B. Rönz (eds.), Physika Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 449-454
  • Klinke S., Grassmann J. (2000), Projection Pursuit Regression in Smoothing and Regression by M.G.Schimek (ed.), Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, p. 471-496
  • Symanzik J., Klinke S., Schmelzer S., Cook D., Lewin N. (1997), The ArcView/XGobi/XploRe Environment: Technical Details and Applications for Spatial Data Analysis, ASA Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Graphics, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, Virginia
  • Symanzik J., Kötter T., Schmelzer S., Klinke S., Cook D. Swayne D.F. (1997), Spatial Data Analysis in the Dynamically Linked ArcView/XGobi/XploRe Environment, Proceedings of the Interface 1997
  • Schmelzer S., Kötter T., Klinke S., Härdle W. (1996), A New Generation of a Statistical Computing Environment on the Net Proceedings of the CompStat '96
  • Kötter T. , Klinke S., XploRe 4 - a statistical computing environment, Proceedings of the SoftStat '95tter T. , Klinke S. (1995), XploRe 4 - a statistical computing environment, Proceedings of the SoftStat '95
  • Klinke S. (1995), Exploratory Projection Pursuit - The multivariate and discrete case, Proceedings of the NTTS '95<
  • Klinke S. (1993), A fast implementation of kernel-based projection pursuit indices, Diploma thesis at the Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • Klinke S. (1992), A new representation of the Moebius-function (in german), Diploma thesis at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn


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  • Lee E.-K, Cook D., Klinke S., Lumley T. (2004), Projection Pursuit for Exploratory Supervised Classification, Technical report 2004-06, Iowa State University
  • Klinke S., Witzel R. (2002), MD*Book online - a tool for creating interactive documents, DP 0221, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Klemelä J., Klinke S., Sofyan H. (2000), Classification and Regression Trees, DP 0062, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Härdle W., Klinke S. (1999), Connected Teaching of Statistics, DP 9924, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Klinke, S., Grassmann, J. (1998): Projection Pursuit Regression and Neural Network, DP 9817, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Symanzik J., Cook D., Klinke S., Lewin N. (1998), Exploration of Satellite Images in the Dynamically Linked ArcView/XGobi/XploRe Environment, DP 9816, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Symanzik J., Klinke S., Schmelzer S., Cook D., Lewin N. (1997), The ArcView/XGobi/XploRe Environment: Technical Details and Applications for Spatial Data Analysis, DP 9787, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Symanzik, J., Kötter, T., Schmelzer, S., Klinke, S., Cook, D. Swayne, D.F. (1997), Spatial Data Analysis in the Dynamically Linked ArcView/XGobi/XploRe Environment, DP 9749, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Klinke S., Golubev Y., Härdle W., Neumann M. (1997), Teaching Wavelets in XploRe, DP 9701, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Klinke S., Grassmann J. (1996), Visualization and Implementation of Feedforward Neural Networks, DP 9692, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Klinke S. (1995), Exploratory Projection Pursuit - The multivariate and discrete case, Discussionpaper 70, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Klinke S. Cook, D. (1995), Kernel-based Projection Pursuit Indices in XGobi, Discussionpaper 47, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Polzehl J., Klinke S. (1994), Experiences with bivariate projection pursuit indices, Discussionpaper 9416, Institute of statistics, University of Louvain, 1994
  • Mucha H.J., Klinke S. (1993), Clustering techniques in the interactive statistical computing environment XploRe, Discussionpaper ??, SFB 373, Humboldt-University of Berlin
  • Härdle W., Klinke S., Müller M. (1993), Applied nonparametric smoothing techniques, Discussionpaper 9303, Institute of statistics and econometrics, Humboldt-University of Berlin
