Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - High Dimensional Nonstationary Time Series

IRTG1792DP2019 005

Usage Continuance in Software-as-a-Service

Elias Baumann
Jana Kern
Stefan Lessmann

Software-as-a-service applications are experiencing immense growth as their
comparatively low cost makes them an important alternative to traditional
software. Following the initial adoption phase, vendors are now concerned with
the continued usage of their software. To analyze the influence of different
measures to improve continued usage over time, a longitudinal study design using
data from a SaaS vendor was implemented. By employing a linear mixed model, the
study finds several measures to have a positive effect on a software’s usage
penetration. In addition to these activation measures performed by the SaaS
vendor, software as well as client characteristics were likewise examined but
did not display significant estimates. In summary the study contributes novel
insights into the scarcely researched field of influencing factors on SaaS usage

Linear Mixed Models Software-as-a-Service Usage Continuance

JEL Classification: