Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Humboldt Graduate School of Business

Design of Decision Experiments

Prof. Dr. Christian Schade, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Summer Semester 2010, Tuesday, 4-6 pm (lecture), Monday, 4-6 pm, and Tuesday, noon-2pm (alternative classes)

Room: Room 125 (lecture), Room 21b (class Monday), Room 23 (class Tuesday), all SPA 1

Course Administrator: Christian Schade, entre{at}


This 6 ECTS credit course is part of the management specialization of the HGSB. It is tailored towards second year doctoral students which have an active interest in persuing a research carreer in management, entrepreneurship and related fields.


Course contents: The lecture covers the scientific basics of experimentation and experimental design with a special emphasis on experimental economics. Examples analyzed are predominately from the area of entrepreneurship and innovation. The course will also cover an introduction into programming of experiments and statistic / econometric analysis of experimental data. A second focus will be on modelling entrepreneurship and innovation management relevant scenarios for the investigation with experimental methods.


Course design: The syllabus can be downloaded here.