Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Emmy Noether Research Group

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | School of Business and Economics | Emmy Noether Research Group | News | Paper "Deselection of Base-Learners for Statistical Boosting - with an Application to Distributional Regression" by Nadja Klein et al. accepted for publication

Paper "Deselection of Base-Learners for Statistical Boosting - with an Application to Distributional Regression" by Nadja Klein et al. accepted for publication

Paper "Deselection of Base-Learners for Statistical Boosting - with an Application to Distributional Regression" by Annika Strömer, Christian Staerk, Nadja Klein, Leonie Weinhold, Stephanie Titze and Andreas Mayr has been accepted for publication in "Statistical Methods in Medical Research".