Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Humboldt Graduate School of Business

Analytical Accounting Research

Accounting Information for Profitability Analysis and Equity Valuation

Prof. Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D., Stanford University

June 20-22, 2010

Room: TBD

Course Administrator: Joachim Gassen, gassen{at}


This 6 ECTS credit course is part of the accounting specialization of the HGSB. It is tailored towards second year doctoral students which have an active interest in persuing a research carreer in accounting and related fields of finance and/or information economics.


It covers topics like the economic uses of accounting information, accounting-based equity valuation concepts and the differences between accounting and economic notions of profitability. The course will be taught in a seminar format.


The syllabus can be downloaded here.