Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics


Genernal inquiries

What are ECTS?

The European Commission has developed the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in cooperation with European Higher institutions in order to ease the recognition of credits and academic achievement between institutions in Europe. The system lies upon a rational distribution of credits for academic courses. In effect, students are expected to earn 60 credits per year in average or 30 credits per semester. In this respect, each academic course is awarded with a calculated amount of credits, which in turn is an indicator of the workload and academic achievement that the students bring up.

Before the students embark on their exchange semesters, they will enter into a “Learning Agreement” with both the host and the home institutions. It stipulates what courses the student will be following during his or her exchange semester. Both exchange coordinators are to review and sign the learning agreement.

Students will find detailed information about the type of courses on offer at their host institution and the credit system in place on the website of their host institutions. We also expect from our exchange students that they get to grips with the transfer of credits as it is their responsibility to find suitable courses during their exchange period.

Disclosure of your email address

The email address you have entered in your alumni report at the end of your exchange period is available to students who are interested in applying for an exchange semester, they can only be accessed via our Moodle group. You may choose not to publish your email address via the alumni report.

Special requirements

Students in a situation of handicap or with particular needs (ex. children) are entitled to additional funding, which should be applied via the Erasmus office at Humboldt.

Do I need to be enrolled as student at Humboldt during the time of my exchange semester?

Yes, you do! You need to be enrolled / matriculated at Humboldt during the entire duration of your exchange semester even if you take a gap semester (“Urlaubssemester”). The gap semester is mostly about the amount of fees in relation to the Semesterticket.

Can I still take exams at Humboldt even during my gap semester?

Yes, you can register for as many exams as you want without any restrictions. Please address your questions to:


Unter den Linden 6

10099 Berlin

Raum: 1043

Tel: 030- 2093 2184


Prepration and conduct of your exchange semester


When should I start preparing for an exchange semester?

The exchange semester will take place either during the Fall Semester or the Spring Semester. You can also spend the whole academic year abroad. Consequently, you should start preparing at least 1 year in advance (before the start of your exchange semester). The application deadline for the first round of application is December 31st and the deadline for the second round of application is May 31st. The exchange semester will take place in the following academic year.

Must I be proficient in the local or national language at the time of my application?

We understand that one of your primary incentive for going on an exchange semester is to improve your language skills. However, by the time your start your exchange semester, you should be proficient enough in English and / or in the national language so you can follow academic courses and take the exams. Please mind that the local or national language is rarely a requirement. If it is, your host institution will demand a proof of language proficiency when you will be registering as a student in May/June (Fall Semester) or October/November (Spring Semester). It is your responsibility to find out in which languages are the courses are taught

What is the OLS language test?

Before you start your exchange semester, you will need to take an online language test (short test) via the OLS language platform. The test will be in your main language of instruction, as indicated in your Grant Agreement.

The test is a requirement for obtaining your Erasmus scholarship so there is no way around it. The German Erasmus agency collects the results (we don´t get to see it) and it has no impact on your application! You will take the test twice - before and after your exchange semester.

The OLS language test is no substitute for a language certificate in relation to your application for an exchange semester.

You can find out more detailed information about the OLS language platform in the following link:

Where do I find the forms and templates I need?

You will find all the forms and templates you need:

  • On our webpage “Durchführung”
  • In our Moodle-Group "Erasmus Outgoings WiWi"under the section "Dokumente und Formulare"
What is a Learning Agreement?

The Learning Agreement is a binding contract, in which you will indicate what courses you wish to follow at your host institution (min. 24 ECTS are required). You should understand how to transfer credits for the courses you have taken during your exchange period.

Should I meet 30 ECTS credits pro Semester?

You ought to complete 24 ECTS per semester or 15 ECTS per trimester under the Erasmus exchange program. All courses and ECTS should appear in your transcript of records. Students going to Switzerland need to observe the regulations of their host institutions since they will receive expense allowance via their host institutions (not via the Erasmus program nor Humboldt).

You are free to take some inter-disciplinary classes such as language courses, although they have to be graded.

At the end of your exchange period, you freely decide which courses you wish to get counted towards your degree. There is no obligation for you to ask for a transfer of credits for all or any of the courses.

I need to make last minute changes to my learning agremeent


You can modify your Online Learning Agreement (OLA) as many times as needed. The review process is repeated each time you apply changes to your OLA. Both your exchange coordinators need to agree to the changes you have made.

Non- Erasmus

You can modify your Learning Agreement as many times as needed. You need to edit the part “during the mobility” of your Learning Agreement and upload it in our shared folder in the HU-Box.

You will find all the forms and templates you need in our Moodle-Group "Erasmus Outgoings WiWi"under the section "Dokumente und Formulare"

When will I receive my transcript of records?

Your host institution will issue your transcript of records at the end of your exchange period. Perhaps you can even generate it yourself via the internal portal of your host institution. Once you have received your transcript, please upload the document into our shared folder in the HU-Box.

In some rare instances, your host institution will send it to the international office at Humboldt. We will then notify you.

here is an error on my transcript

Please set yourself in contact with the exchange coordinator of your host institution!

Wie How do I transfer credits for the courses I have done during my exchange semester?

At the School of Business and Economics, the examination office is in charge of transferring credits for courses completed while on an exchange semester. You need to present a copy of your transcript of records as well the document “Anerkennungsnachweis” to the examination office.

The document “Anerkennungsnachweis” can be downloaded from our Moodle group “Erasmus Outgoings WiWi”.

You will find detailed information and instructions about how to go about the transfer of credits under the following section of their website:

How should I apply for an extension of my exchange period?

The first step is to ask your host institution for permission. We cannot grant you any extension if your host institution does not support it. If it does, you will then formally apply for an extension of your stay / your Erasmus scholarship (if applicable). You will find the document in our Moodle Group “Erasmus Outgoings Wiwi” under “Antrag auf Verlängerung”. Please mind that you can only prolong your stay from the Fall Semester to the Spring Semester. It has to be within the same academic year.

Do I also get an extension for my Erasmus Grant?

Even after your host institution has agreed to an extension of your academic stay, we cannot guarantee any extension of the Erasmus grant. Rather it depends on how much Erasmus funding is still available at the time you file for an extension.

How sould I proceed if I need to cancel my exchange semester?

Please contact via email the outgoing team of the international Office at the School of Business and Economics and the incoming team of your host institution.

In case I have departed earlier as planed, am I due to pay back the Erasmus Grant?

According to the directives of the Erasmus program, participants are required to reimburse their grants for a duration under 3 months. In other words, if you were to depart within 3 months of your exchange Semester, you will be asked to pay back the Erasmus grant.

If you planned on staying 2 semesters, the threshold is 4 months. After you have informed the Erasmus Office of your early departure, you will be asked to reimburse the Erasmus grant by transferring the money to the banking details indicated.



A list of funding opportunities

You will find detailed information about funding opportunities under the following section of the Website of the international department:

Why do I receive an Erasmus Grant for no longer than 4 months per academic semester?

According to the Erasmus financial directives, we support Erasmus participants for a period of max. 4,5 months per academic Semester (3 months for a trimester) or 8,5 months for an exchange period of 2 semesters. Nevertheless, you are free to stay longer at your destination if need be.

What is the WWG travel grant and how can I apply for it?

The WWG (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berline.V.) is the non-profit society of the School of Business and Economics. Among other things, it grants travel allowances to students of our School who are spending an academic exchange Semester abroad. The amount of allowance is indexed on the destination. The application works on first come, first served basis. You will find further information about the application process under the following section of our Website:


Your contact person is Dr. Anja Schwerk

Tel: +49-(0)30-2093-99517



You will apply for “Auslands-BAföG” through a different agency than the one for regular “BAföG”. It needs to be done via the respective BAföG authorities in your state of residence (in Germany). The allowance for the “Auslands-BAföG” does not count towards the regular BAföG in case you are entitled to receiving it.

Please note that students who are NOT receiving regular BAföG allowances, may be entitled to the Auslands-BAföG nonetheless, hence the separate application procedures. The allowance is related to the cost of living of the host country you where will be spending your exchange Semester. In order to apply, you will need to present a confirmation of acceptance into an exchange program. Please ask the outgoing team of the international Office for it.

You will find further Information on the following webpage: https://www.bafö

Die I haven´t received the second installment of my Erasmus grant. What could be the reasons for a delayed payment and what to do about it?

The Erasmus Grant is paid in two installments: the first payment (2/3 of the grant) is transferred after you have completed your Learning Agreement (both your exchange coordinators need to give their approvals) and uploaded your "Confirmation of Registration" in the HU-Box. Erasmus participants need to make use of the OLA portal as instructed.

The second installment will be paid after you have completed your exchange Semester. Please make sure that you have handed in all documents on time. You can keep track of the administrative formalities via the HU-Box and the OLA Portal.

I have new banking details

Please inform Ms. Cornelia Marx of the Erasmus Office of your new banking Details at: