Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Info for Students

The next evaluation will take place in the two weeks from 27.07 to 08.07
We hope that many of you participate in this opportunity to improve learning conditions and give feedback to your lectureres.
Unfortunately, we, that is the EVA-Team (normally consisting of one person) are not able to go into all courses to distribute and collect the questionnaires. Therefore, we sent envelopes with the (hopefully) appropriate questionnaires to all lectrurers in advance. We ask you to make sure that the envelopes are sealed and signed in the classroom. The best way to do this is to collect the questionnaires yourselves. Afterwards you should take the closed envelope to mailbox #19 on the groundfloor of SPA 1 (right wing of the building).
The main purpose of the evaluation is to improve teaching at our faculty but also to allow you to get some additional information on courses you want to take. Thus, the evaluation designed to help you! You should feel free to write down whatever you feel to be necessary. If you see that some teachers do not follow the rules, please let EvaTEAM or vice dean for study and teaching know this.
Please try to give constructive opinions!!!

Thank you for your help!

The evaluation for the last term will be available on the beginning of the next term.