Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät

Currency Unions in Historical Perspective


  • Seminar
  • Tuesday 12-14 SPA1, 125
  • Prof. N. Wolf
  • Moodle Link


The seminar will explore the economics of the formation and dissolution of currency unions and fixed exchange rate systems.
After a general introduction, participants will present and discuss journal articles on relevant historical experiences, with a focus
on 19th and 20th century Europe.


  • Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor (2008), International Economics, Worth Publishers, Chap. 19-21.
  • Michael Bordo and Harold James (2008), A long-term perspective on the Euro, European Economy. Economic Papers No. 307.

Organizational matters

  • MA: 6 SP, Modul: Economic History
  • Diplom: 2 KP, Wahlpflichtfach Wirtschaftsgeschichte


Seminar paper (60 %), presentation (30 %), active participation (10%).

Supplementary material

Overview of topics (pdf)