Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics


DFG-Research Unit SiAg


Structural Change in Agriculture

The research unit consists of researchers from a number of research institutions.

The Objective of the Research Unit

Agricultural sectors in developed countries undergo a far-reaching structural change which is driven by technological change, globalisation, new societal demands, and a paradigm shift of the agricultural policy. The objective of the research unit is the integrative economic analysis of these adjustment processes. Already existing theoretical and methodological approaches for the analysis of the transformation process in the agricultural sector should be supplemented, further developed and consolidated.

The result is a closer view regarding the agricultural structure change. The outcome is an enhanced picture and a better identification of causalities between exogenous factors, political instruments, and corporate decision making. This is an essential precondition to predict and to govern structural change in terms of social objectives.

Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Management

The Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Management will examine entrepreneurial decision making on the firm level using experimental methods.

The decision making of farmers has not been studied much in laboratory experiments. The proposed research tends to broaden the existing experimental literature within three domains: 1) auctions for farming land; 2) rental contracts between landowner and farmer; 3) dynamic investment decisions (based on the real options approach). Our paradigm is bounded rationality.

Further information on our part of the research project can be found here.